CTK Blog

Hope & Community
John D. Morrison John D. Morrison

Hope & Community

Not only does the hope of the gospel unite us as a community of believers, it is precisely this community that causes such hope to flourish. We learn the Scriptures that bring encouragement in the community of the church. Together, we work to spur one another toward endurance in our faith. The God of endurance and encouragement has given us one another to remind each other of shared gospel hope. Often, it is through our lives together in the church that he grants the endurance and encouragement we need.

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Hope & Worship
Seth Harvey Seth Harvey

Hope & Worship

The redeemed will be raised from the dead to eternal life. Creation will shake off its bondage. All that was once sad, chaotic, and muddled will be made untrue. Those who come to Jesus and taste of this hope by faith are given new hearts to live in awe of God who is Father, Son, and Spirit.

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Advent: Dawn of Hope
John D. Morrison John D. Morrison

Advent: Dawn of Hope

As a church, we are turning to Romans 15 for this Advent. Over the next four weeks, we’ll read and consider the first thirteen verses of this chapter. Like Advent, this passage helps us look back to Christ’s first coming and to look forward to his second. In doing so, it calls us to center our lives on the hope of Jesus Christ.

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Peace for the Troubled
John D. Morrison John D. Morrison

Peace for the Troubled

In a time when feelings of fear, worry, and anxiety seem to be on the verge of overwhelming us, Jesus speaks peace to the troubled in heart. He speaks this peace as one who himself knew what it was to be troubled in heart, and he brings us peace by entering into our ultimate trouble on the cross.

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Care For Your Body
Seth Harvey Seth Harvey

Care For Your Body

There is hope for broken-down bodies because of an angelic announcement in an empty tomb to a group of embodied women: “He is Risen.”

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Sent to Serve
John D. Morrison John D. Morrison

Sent to Serve

When Jesus calls his followers to share in his work, he sends us into the world to serve as he served. His becoming like us to serve us become the model for our own sending. He sends us into the world. We cannot stand far off, but we must enter into the lives of others. He sends us to serve. We are sent to serve as Jesus did in word in and in deed, by declaring and displaying the gospel.

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Saved to the Uttermost
John D. Morrison John D. Morrison

Saved to the Uttermost

We often live as if Jesus's work isn't enough. We think we need to add to his work with our efforts. But the truth of who Jesus is reminds us that he and his work are enough. Since Jesus is fully God, he is able to save us fully.

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